On the 28th of October, the OCEAN:ICE project coordinator, Ruth Mottram (DMI), has delivered the keynote at the NCKF Climate Research Symposium 2024 on ‘Sea level rise from Antarctica: Have we already passed the tipping point?’
The National Center for Climate Research (NCKF) at the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) hosts the symposium which gathers climate scientists and non-science stakeholders. It sets out to shed light on opportunities and challenges within climate research and this can be translated into value and action in society.
At the NCKF Climate Research Symposium 2024 there has also been a session on ‘The risk of rapid changes in Antarctica’, including a talk from the OCEAN:ICE WP2 Co-Leader, Anna Wåhlin (University of Gothenburg), on ‘East Antarctic Sea level rise contribution in 2300 – a new Swedish initiative including melt processes in ice shelf cavities’.