18-23 February 2024, Ocean Sciences Meeting

OCEAN:ICE will have representation at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans from the 18th to the 23rd of February 2024.

OCEAN:ICE project member, Xabier Davila Rodriguez (NORCE) will present their findings from their PhD work focused on constraining the ventilation timescales of the Nordic Seas. In this presentation, Xabier will showcase the application of the Total Matrix Intercomparison (TMI) framework. Xabier will also integrate insights from the OCEAN:ICE project into their talk, as the TMI framework will be used within the OCEAN:ICE project.

The TMI involves an analysis of ocean observations, providing a state estimate of the modern ocean circulation through a transport matrix. This matrix constrains water mass pathways and ventilation timescales, allowing us to unravel the complexities of ocean circulation. Given these ventilation timescales, we can reverse ocean circulation, retracing interior ocean observations back to the surface and pinpointing the specific regions and times of subduction. This capability is particularly valuable in the context of the OCEAN:ICE project, where Xabier will utilisee the TMI to reconstruct past surface freshwater content in the Southern Ocean. To illustrate the methodology, Xabier will present a case study featuring a regional version of the TMI for the Nordic Seas, where they constrain the ventilation timescales by assimilating water-mass age observations into the circulation matrix.

Join in for Xabier’s presentation on the 19th of February 2024 at 21:17 - 21:28 (@ 225-227, Second Floor (Convention Center)).


Early bird registration ends on the 10th of January 2024.

Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024 Online Programme

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