European Polar Science Week 2024 

The European Polar Science community came together in Copenhagen over the 3rd to the 6th of September 2024 to discuss cutting edge science and future pathways to collaboration.   

OCEAN:ICE was well represented in presentations, plenary and panel discussions. Ruth Mottram presented the project during the well-attended opening and closing plenary discussions in the large Queens Hall in the Black Diamond, as well as giving a more detailed talk on progress in a targeted session.  Other members of the project gave talks about aspects of OCEAN:ICE work, or about other projects that have strong ties to OCEAN:ICE. 

We were particularly happy that several of our early career scientists were represented with Romain Millan (IGE) presenting Earth observation datasets developed in WP3 and Stina Wahlgren (UGOT) presenting exciting results from the Huginn UAV from underneath the Dotson ice shelf. Our new Ukrainian partners NASC were also represented with some early results shown by Anastasiia Chyhareva. 

A notable feature of the meeting was just how aware the community is of OCEAN:ICE work, and how quickly this work has advanced in just 18 months.  It was mentioned numerous times by non-project members as a key Southern Ocean/Polar Project, as well as being held up as an example for future work, notably the upcoming InSync effort, to emulate and build upon. 

The authors of the article –Andrew Meijers (BAS) and Ruth Mottram (DMI)