16 October 2023 – OCEAN:ICE at the Antarctic Policy Event, Tipping Points in Antarctica: Towards Evidence-Based Policy

Brussels, Belgium, 16 October 2023 - 14:00 - 16:00

OCEAN:ICE will be at our EU Polar Cluster sister project's Antarctic Policy Event, Tipping Points in Antarctica: Towards Evidence-Based Policy, hosted and organised by the EU Horizon 2020 project, TiPACCs.

Session 1

OCEAN:ICE members, Ricarda Winkelmann (PIK), Ruth Mottram (DMI), and Nicolas Jourdain (UGA) will be speaking at the event during the first session.

Tipping points and the safe operating space for Antarctica

Ricarda Winkelmann (PIK, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)

How stable is the Antarctic ice sheet? What is the safe operating space for Antarctica? Prof. Dr Winkelmann will give a brief overview of the latest scientific knowledge on Antarctic ice sheet stability and tipping points, as generated through our EU projects. 

Observing Antarctic changes (TBC)

Ruth Mottram (DMI, Danish Meteorological Institute)

What do observations tell us about the current state of Antarctica? Is there a further need for observational networks in and around Antarctica? Dr Mottram will shortly recap our current status and needs.   

On the need to consider ocean and ice sheets together  

Nicolas Jourdain (UGA, Université Grenoble Alpes) 

When assessing ocean and ice sheet processes, we often use computer models that simulate these components separately. Dr Jourdain will briefly present the main motivations for the coupling of ocean and ice-sheet models, in particular in the context of tipping points. Hereafter he will review the major model developments made through our European projects. 

Session 2: World Café

The second session will be comprised of a World Café which will be a highly engaging session with thematic tables to discuss. Policy makers and stakeholders attending the event can rotate around the thematic tables during the sessions.



Register for the event here: https://www.tipaccs.eu/antarctic-policy-event/