7-8 November 2022 – OCEAN:ICE Kick-off Meeting

To kick off the project the consortium met at Sorbonne University in Paris on the 7th and 8th of November 2022 and also virtually via Zoom. The meeting was in collaboration with the consortium for the H2020-funded project SO-CHIC (GA 821001, http://www.sochic-h2020.eu/) allowing for overlap, encouraging knowledge exchange, collaboration, and networking.

Day 1

The kick-off event was a great opportunity for all participants and partners to finally meet in person and to better understand the significant objectives of the project. Work packages leaders hosted working groups to refine the planning and initiate the project’s activities. Working groups of cross-cutting themes were also hosted to allow synergy between work packages. The meeting was a success, with the partnership eager for the work of OCEAN:ICE to begin, and many interesting talks to fine-tune the activities planned.

There was an opportunity for the external Expert Advisory Group (EAG) members to feedback impressions and ideas to the Scientific Steering Committee. In parallel, a poster session was organised for the in-person part of the event.  

Day 2

The meeting was held in conjunction with the H2020 project SO-CHIC annual meeting (9-10th November 2022) and a combined Southern Ocean and Antarctic workshop on the 8th November 2022. The event brought together a good number of Southern Ocean and cryosphere scientists from OCEAN:ICE, SO-CHIC, but also from projects funded by the European Space Agency, UKRI and related projects from the EU Polar Cluster and beyond.  

Files of the talks and a selection of posters can be found on the OCEAN:ICE Zenodo community:  Ocean-Cryosphere Exchanges in Antarctica: Impacts on Climate and the Earth System | Zenodo 

Now that OCEAN:ICE has officially begun, please follow us on our social media platforms below:

We have collated all social media inputs from the kick-off on Wakelet, everything can be found here: OCEAN ICE Kick Off Meeting.