Researcher in the Spotlight: Martin Olesen

Martin, please introduce yourself.

I am Martin Olesen. I am a Climate Researcher with a focus on surface mass modelling of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheet.

Tell us about your professional and academic career before becoming part of the OCEAN:ICE community.

I have been doing regional climate modelling and climate data analysis with focus on weather and climate in Denmark and Greenland. I have been involved in different outreach activities such as climate films, podcasts and co-developed teaching material.

What do you do within OCEAN:ICE?

WP3, WP7 and WP9. I will primarily do surface mass balance modelling.

Tell us about a skill or trait unique to you that you would like to share?

Data analysis and plots of future SMB of the Greenland ice sheet for different scenarios.

Stay tuned on our social media channels (Twitter, Mastodon, LinkedIn and Facebook) for more of the series of OCEAN:ICE 'Researcher in the Spotlight' articles.