Researcher in the Spotlight: Shenjie Zhou

Shenjie, please introduce yourself.

I am Shenjie Zhou, a post-doctoral researcher in Physical Oceanography at the British Antarctic Survey working on WP1 in OCEAN:ICE with Dr. Pierre Dutrieux.

Tell us about your professional and academic career before becoming part of the OCEAN:ICE community.

I obtained my PhD in 2020 in Environmental Sciences in University of East Anglia, followed by a postdoctoral post at the British Antarctic Survey working with Dr. Andrew Meijers on the EU Horizon 2020 SO-CHIC project, looking at Antarctic Bottom Water formation and changes in Weddell Sea.

What do you do within OCEAN:ICE?

I haven't officially started yet, but the level of engagement of this project is great. I look forward to being onboard officially on 1st November, 2023.

Tell us about a skill or trait unique to you that you would like to share?

I joined BAS with little background knowledge as an Antarctic oceanographer. My previous work focused on North Atlantic circulation and interaction with the atmospheric forcing. BAS recruited me regardless of that, and it makes me believe that BAS has strived to create an inclusive environment for researchers with different backgrounds to join the field of Antarctic science community to bring together different perspectives.

Join Shenjie for a Climate Coffee

Catch Shenjie on 7 December 2023 where he will be hosting a Climate Coffee on Slowdown of Antarctic Bottom Water export driven by climatic wind and sea-ice changes.

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Stay tuned on our social media channels (Twitter, Mastodon, LinkedIn and Facebook) for more, as this is just the beginning of the series of OCEAN:ICE 'Researcher in the Spotlight' articles.