Save the dates! 23-26 October 2023 – Project Annual Meeting OCEAN:ICE together with SO-CHIC, Paris

Save the dates of the annual meeting 2023 of OCEAN:ICE. The meeting will be held alongside the SO-CHIC annual meeting, in Paris, in hybrid mode. As last year, this event will combine a conference format with more internal meetings.

Structure of the event

Monday 23 October: SO-CHIC annual consortium meeting starting at midday SO-CHIC.

Tuesday 24 October: SO-CHIC consortium meeting running until noon SO:CHIC.

During the afternoon time, there will be a joint conference organised by SO-CHIC and OCEAN:ICE.

Wednesday 25 October: During the morning time, there will be the continuation of the joint conference organised by SO-CHIC and OCEAN:ICE.

In the afternoon, the OCEAN:ICE consortium meeting will take place.

Thursday 26 October: OCEAN:ICE annual consortium meeting running in the morning until noon.