7-18 May 2024, The Southern Ocean Summer School

The Southern Ocean Summer School (SOSS) 2024 for Early-Career Scientists has started this week on the 7th of May 2024 and it will last until the 18th of May 2024. SOSS 2024 is hosted in Corsica, in the small village of Cargèse, at the Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse (IESC).

SOSS 2024 provides a unique opportunity for research master students, graduate students, and first-year postdocs to dive into the fascinating world of Southern Ocean sciences. The intensive program is designed to expand knowledge and deepen understanding of this crucial region of the world.

Led by a team of renowned experts, the program offers a diverse range of topics and disciplines, enabling participants to explore various facets of Southern Ocean sciences. From research methodologies to ecosystem dynamics and climate change impacts, this learning experience covers key aspects related to Southern Ocean sciences.

The Southern Ocean Summer School 2024 has received funding from OCEAN:ICE and SO-CHIC projects.