Category News

OCEAN:ICE News – June 2023

It is time for the OCEAN:ICE news! A calendar rich with events from June-September 2023, details on our data management, and the recent workshop #OCEANICEEO are reported in this feature: Happy reading everyone! #oceanice #ice #antarctic #antarctica #arctic #icesheets #oceanobservation #EarthSystem #modelling #climatemodelling #climate #climatechange #oceandata #FAIR #INSPIRE #ocean #climatescience #earthsystemscience #HorizonEU #seaice #cryosphere #MissionOcean #OceanData #ClimateChange #Sustainability #datamanagement #data #MarineData #EUGreenDeal #climatechange #marinedata #marineknowledge #oceanice #data #marine #oceandata

Researcher in the Spotlight: Romain Millan

Romain, please introduce yourself. I am Romain Millan, a post-doc working at the Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement in Grenoble. I am a specialist in the use of satellite and airborne remote sensing data at large scale. Tell us about…