Researcher in the Spotlight: Qing Qin

Qing, please introduce yourself. 

My name is Qing Qin. I’m a post-doctoral researcher in coupled Sea - Ice simulations at Northumbria University on WP4 in OCEAN:ICE project with Dr. Jan De Rydt 

Tell us about your professional and academic career before becoming part of the OCEAN:ICE community. 

I obtained my PhD in Physical Oceanography in 2023 from HoHai University. During my PhD studies, my research is concerned with atmosphere-ocean-sea ice interactions and Southern Ocean circulation. I make use of theoretical tools, observational and model results. Particular research topics during my PhD studies include open-ocean polynyas in the Cooperation Sea and coastal polynya over Ross Sea continental shelf. 

What do you do within OCEAN:ICE? 

I am part of WP4. In the OCEAN:ICE project, my main goal is to study the role of freshwater fluxes from the entire ice sheet (ice-shelf melting, calving, and surface runoff), both present day and in the future. I will be tasked with running regional ice-ocean simulations for the Amundsen and Weddell Seas, which are two key regions that are expected to see potentially large and abrupt changes in freshwater fluxes. With the combination of model results, in situ data, and reanalysis data, I will analyse the processes involved in present-day and future changes of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, and understand its complex interactions with the surrounding ocean. 

What have you enjoyed about OCEAN:ICE so far? 

As part of WP4 within OCEAN:ICE, exploring how the Antarctic ice sheet and the surrounding Southern Ocean are influenced by global climate makes me feel excited. Being relatively new to the dynamic processes of ice sheets, delving into this area through the OCEAN:ICE project presents a great opportunity to deepen my understanding of the Antarctic coupled ice-ocean system and its complex dynamics. 

Tell us about a skill or trait unique to you that you would like to share? 

I’m interested in analysing phenomena and uncovering connections between various elements. 

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