OCEAN:ICE at 2024 UN Ocean Decade Satellite Event ‘Monitoring the Ocean’

On the 8th of April 2024 in Barcelona, at the Institut de Ciències del Mar and online, OCEAN:ICE collaborated alongside many Horizon Europe funded projects, such as TipESMObsSea4ClimArctic PASSIONGroup for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) for the 2024 UN Ocean Decade Conference Satellite Event ‘Monitoring the Ocean: Panel Discussion and Networking Event’ and a photo exhibition on beautiful images from fieldwork with inputs from Danish Meteorological InstituteScottish Association For Marine ScienceEuropean Polar Board, British Antarctic Survey and many more.

‘Monitoring the Ocean: Panel Discussion and Networking Event’

The agenda of the event consisted of two parts:

  1. Panel Discussion: A sequence of flash presentations provided by climate scientists and followed by a panel discussion with inputs from the audience.
  1. Photo Exhibition: A photo exhibition with photos and videos of fieldwork footage to engage with the public.

Panel Discussion

Chiara Bearzotti (EU Grant Project Manager, Danish Meteorological Institute) represented the OCEAN:ICE project in the panel discussion and delivered a presentation ‘Complementarity of ocean observations (in situ) for monitoring the ocean from the ocean’.

You may access Chiara’s presentation in the OCEAN:ICE Zenodo community here: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10947362

Here is Chiara’s talk present on TipESM - YouTube channel. You may access the recordings of other speakers' presentations in TipESM's '2024 Ocean Decade Conference Satellite Event - Monitoring the Ocean Panel Discussion' playlist.

Below you may access the full agenda of the panel discussion.

Photo Exhibition

The following three photos taken by OCEAN:ICE project member, Povl Abrahamsen (Physical Oceanographer, British Antarctic Survey), were showcased in the photo exhibition.

Approaching the South Sandwich Islands on fishing vessel FV Argos Georgia

“Usually I study the ocean from large ice-strengthened research vessels. However, these ships are in high demand, and sometimes plans change at short notice. This year, as part of OCEAN:ICE, we wanted to deploy instruments to monitor the deep waters modified near Antarctica as they flow into the South Atlantic Ocean through South Sandwich Trench. This is a remote area, rarely visited by ships. We made contact with the operators of a fishing vessel that was performing research and commercial fishing only a few hours from our study site, and managed to deploy two oceanographic moorings between fishing operations, to collect data over the next year.”

Deploying an oceanographic mooring from a longline fishing vessel in South Sandwich Trench

Some moments from the 2024 UN Ocean Decade Conference Satellite Event ‘Monitoring the Ocean: Panel Discussion and Networking Event’.